Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Most of the people asked me what is a black hole. To answer them I made this post. First of all what is a star. Basically star is a heavenly body which uses helium as fuel to brighten. Like the sun which we are having in or solar system. So what happens when it uses all the fuel. This happens once in lifetime of stars. When all the fuel completes due to the space surrounding makes it to shrink into itself. With this star gets to shrink to the lowest of the sizes and then it blasts emitting the energy in terms of gamma rays. After this the space around it creates a hole. Nobody knows what is there at other end of the hole. Everything that comes near to it gets attracted in to the black hole even light also. There are so many theories about the black hole. But all of them are hypothesis.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting us know.
    Know I had a basic idea about what a black hole is?
