Monday, April 1, 2019


This story is about Steve Jobs. One and only tech giant who started the tech revolution. Without him today we couldn't have Google,Microsoft and other major tech industries.
Steve Jobs has done with his college and started his career with Atari a gaming company as a designer for games. Daily he has some disputes with the other employees regarding his ideas about the games. In one situation he almost got fired for having a dispute with fellow worker regarding the designing a game with color screen rather than black and white. He has futuristic ideas regarding everything. Regarding these situations Manager has asked Steve to work in night hours. So he started working in night hours for the sake of a project which is based on his idea. But he never had better knowledge regarding the circuit designing. His friend Wozniak is expert in those things. For the idea and the construction of the gaming console which Steve is working on is granted a large amount of 10k$ by Atari. He convinced his friend that he is working on a gaming console and he explained the idea to Wozniak. he agreed to design the circuit. But Steve said that he is getting just 1000$ as a compensation for the game so he would give just 500$ to Wozniak. Woz agreed to this and designed the circuit. In this way he had many games designed by Woz at a low rates. This is the behavior of Steve when it comes to money. That is why till now Apple is the richest company in the world. It is rich enough to buy all the top 50 Fortune 500 companies without hesitation. After so many games Steve once visited Woz house. He had seen a device that looks like a garbage of wires and electronic circuits. He asked Woz what is it. He said it is a Personal Computer. Up to that time computer is a large device which cannot be movable and which requires large electronics to manufacture. Steve had seen a foreseeable future with that device. Woz and Steve went to local Science fair of electronics and tried to explain about the device. Nobody liked to see it or even think about it. They were almost returning to their homes but one merchant from nowhere came to them and asked about it. they explained everything and he was interested in making more devices like that. He invested in them and asked them to build one hundred of them. This was the first achievement and they made it with the help of other people from around neighborhoods of Steve's house. These people are called Apple's First team. The investor was not happy with idea of having computer and display separate. He asked them to make them join. This was the first idea of making a personal computer. Steve liked this idea and started working on it. He has seen future in this device and asked so many investors to invest in them. Then one investor comes with large amount invests in it. This is the starting of Apple Inc.
What happened later is in next chapter wait for it.

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