Early this year Apple has confirmed that it is going to ARM-based processors instead of the Intel processors. Due to the pas conflicts between the company and Intel due to the performance issues and power supply issues it has declared it is going to shift to ARM-based processors. With the ARM architecture, Apple can easily control the basic functionalities of the processor in this way it can control the power usage and usage of the Cores. With the latest "M1" Chip it has launched CPU can gain up to 20 hours of Web usage. And 17 hours of Web usage(what they claimed). It has 8 power efficiency cores and 8 performance efficiency cores. And it is the first integrated chip with all the basic chipset set up in a single Chip. It has 16 billion transistors set up in a single Board. And it can have up to 11 trillion operations per second. With all this Apple is going to launch "Big Sur" in November. Apple is going to support the Applications which can run on ARM and Intel named Universal Apps. We can load the iPad and iPhone apps in the native system. It can run Rossetta 2 and other high-end software without lag(as they have claimed and shown in the presentation). They have launched Mac Air and Macbook Air Pro with an M1 chipset. And a mini Mac.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
About the New iPhone 12
iPhone 12 is the latest of the Apple phone lineup. It has the fastest processor A14 Bionic chip. And it is the first phone to be built on 5nm Processor chip. It has the neural engine that supports the computational photography and all the other things that run ML. It supports the latest 5G bands and in the early review with AT&T and Verizon the speeds are 2,000Mbits/sec. This is insanely faster speeds are seen only around the blocks of Manhattan and California. And the low light photography and wide angles are looking super cool.
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