After the trade war started by the Trump this is the first step taken against Chinese manufacturer Huawei. Huawei is one of the major chip manufacturing company in the world it manufactures chips which are used in signalling and processing of many mobile platforms. America claims that it is inducing other chip with it which collects the information of the users and send it to china. Since Huawei not spoken about it America started the trade war. increasing the tariffs related to the Chinese products and raw materials. Later on other companies like Qualcomm and other chip manufacturing companies closed the deals with them. Google stopped its support to the Huawei phones. Honor is the sub brand of its. After that government of america has issued a clearance for 3 months to issue a software update to the Huawei phones. After that Huawei phones doesn't get any updates from the Google regarding the software and security patches. Huawei is working on its own OS since 2004 but it has not released anything related to this. After the time Huawei can't install apps from Google store also. They have develop on the Android OS open source. It takes lot of time and there are security issues.